Paddling Pictures:

Running the "Frog's Back" in Kevin's 8'9" Mohawk Maxim on a trip to the Lower Yough in PA
July 23, 2006 -- 2nd trip down the Yough in an open boat!
(the first was the day before, didn't start so well, but had a great ending!)

Playing on a small wave on the Middle Yough during Cheat Fest in WV, May 5, 2006.

My first run of Bull Sluice Bull Sluice (Single Drop, anyway!) in an open boat, August 24, 2005
Note "Brother Wayne" guarding dutifully to make sure I stayed in the boat!

The Nantahala Trip from the June 11th/12th 2005.

The page of Wilson Creek photos from 10-7-04.

Kiley Brown going through Lesser Wesser with the flood gates open after Hurricane Ivan, 9-18-04.
See Kiley's photos for more of these.

3rd drop of the Chauga 7-31-04 (yes, that's me going backwards -- again!).

The group that went down Section 3 of the Chattooga on 5-24-04.

This is me, prior to any instruction, going through Calamity on the Cheat Narrows (about 5 seconds before I swam).


The night before New Years Eve, bringing in 2002 at the Beach House in Cherry Grove.
This is me with Shania in Shan's house, 2002.
My other family, (left to right: Tommy, Tashan, Jackie, and Tray) taken June 2002.

Sarcom / Ingram Micro:

Pictures from our once-famous team at Sarcom, turned Ingram Micro.
It had it's down sides, but in general, was a really fun place to work (and live at times...)

Unorganized Pic Page:

Scattered pics to be organized in the near future (W-I-P).

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